I didn't know there was no place at the trail to get permit so the bus had to drop me off at a store nearby that could issue one. I was going to hike the coastal track and then the Inland Track back but for some reason the store was only able to give permits for the Coastal Track. The store offered me the option of taking a boat taxi back so I did that. Normally the bus could drop you off at one end of the trail and then pick you up at the other end however, after the end of April some companies stop the route all together, or just travel to Marahau. If you have a permit for the Inland Track you can make the return back to Marahau by foot. It rejoins the Coastal Track a few miles from the starting point. There are a number of companies at Marahau that offer a boat taxi service that will drop you off or pick you up at a number of points along the trail. After getting my permit I had about a 15 minute walk back to the trailhead where there is a little structure Its a bit confusing as to where the trail is and it looked like I wasn't the only person that had a problem. If you turn to your left as you enter the structure you'll see this sign near the bridge. Thats the start of the hike.