The High Trail

The high trail has only one big climb, and thats leaving Lyell Creek southbound. The intial climb from the trail between Vogelsang Pass and Merced Lake is a short one in the trees. The view above is about the only one down the Merced River Canyon toward Half Dome. Merced Lake is just visible. There are a couple creeks along the first 4 miles where you can camp, but there is nothing great about them unless you find a place where you can view the Clark Range which you can see below.

I've always liked the way the creek above has cut into the rock in 3 places. I've never climbed above the rock, but I find it odd that the water doesn't run around the left side of the rock which is lower.

On your descent to Lyell Creek you can look across canyon up Triple Creek. Isberg and Post Peak Passes are in the center of the picture. The High Trail continues along to the left till its near Isberg Pass before dropping to Triple Creek. The next picture below is looking more to the west and looks up Merced Peak Fork. The trail to Red Peak Pass is beyond the low ridge this side of the tallest peak that is in the clouds.